Inspired by ITV and STV’s Britain Get Talking Help Our Helplines appeal marking World Mental Health Day, the Government has pledged to donate an additional £1 million to support mental health charity helplines. 
The Department of Health and Social Care donation will be announced during the final of Britain’s Got Talent, and will support mental health charity helplines through the Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund. 
The Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund, established in March, is distributing over £5 million throughout the year, reaching over 130 mental health charities including BEAT and Mind. 
Britain’s Get Talking’s Help Our Helplines launched on 5th October and has included editorial content across the week in ITV and STV daytime shows and news programming. This evening the appeal culminates in an epic moment during the final of Britain’s Got Talent.
The Help our Helplines campaign has been established in support of leading mental health charities Mind, YoungMInds, CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) and the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH).
Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said: 
“This unprecedented pandemic has changed life as we know it, and will have understandably caused or added to the concerns and hardship of those suffering from mental health conditions.”
“Mental health charities do an amazing job of working alongside the NHS to support those who need it, when they need it. I am delighted to be able to extend support for these charities on World Mental Health Day, by £1 million to mental health charities in response to ITVs Help Our Helplines campaign.”

Minister for Mental Health, Nadine Dorries said:
“I know how difficult this pandemic has been for so many, particularly those with pre-existing mental health conditions.”
“ITV’s Help Our Helplines campaign has done an incredible job of shining a light on the important work of mental health charities across the country and this funding will go a long way to helping people in their darkest moments.”

ITV chief executive Carolyn McCall said:
"This £1 million donation from the Department of Health and Social Care is a real boost to ITV’s Britain Get Talking Help Our Helplines campaign. The number of people looking for help has risen significantly as it continues to be a challenging time for many.”
"We are grateful to the Government for recognising our campaign with this generous pledge. It will help mental health charity helplines continue to offer their support to everyone who needs their help.”
Bobby Hain, Director of Broadcasting at STV, said:
 “With demand on mental health help lines increasing massively in 2020, it’s so important for us as a broadcaster to use our significant reach to ensure that all calls continue to be answered.”
“We hope that, through the Britain Get Talking campaign, anyone in Scotland who needs someone to talk to can find support at the end of the phone when they need it most.  The generous pledge from the Government to help support mental health charity help lines is a huge boost to the campaign.”

ITV and STV’s Britain Get Talking Help Our Helplines appeal launched on 5 October. Coverage will culminate during Britain's Got Talent Finals on World Mental Health Day. 

The campaign aims to raise funds to support mental health charity helplines during Covid-19, so that no call goes unanswered. 

This announcement comes as part of a package of support for the mental health sector on World Mental Health Day, including £2 million for research into the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of at risk groups, and over £400 million to eradicate dormitories in mental health facilities in England.