Creating an inclusive culture

As a creative organisation, diversity in views and voices is not only central to our values, but also critical to our business. Knowing your community and responding to its diverse needs is at the heart of public service media; and as a producer, we ensure we reflect our audience in our shows.

At STV, we celebrate individuality, ideas, passion and the innovation created by different perspectives.

We are working together to create an inclusive culture that enables equality of opportunity for all; to reflect the communities we serve both on and off-screen and to drive sustainable change across the wider industry.

Our targets

Workforce: Our peopleOn screen contributors: Our audiences
 STV News at SixNews onlySport onlyScotland Tonight
Gender50:50 balance across top 25% of roles by earnings and a balanced gender profile across the rest of the organisation50:5050:5050:5050:50
Ethnically diverse8% of colleagues based in Scotland 15% of colleagues based in London8%8%8%12%
Disability12% of all colleaguesTarget to be confirmed following a review of existing representation levels.

Through STV Expert Voices we are working to broaden our network of contributors to increase representation of disabled people across news and current affairs output.
LGBTQ+4% of all colleaguesNo target set

We have five key priorities to help us achieve these targets:

  1. Increase diverse internal and external talent pools
  2. Create an inclusive working environment for all colleagues
  3. Increase representation and portrayal of diverse voices in the content that STV produces, commissions, and acquires for STV and the STV Player
  4. Improve diversity and authentic portrayal in the advertising content we produce
  5. Develop partnerships to increase inclusion across the TV industry.  This includes a specific focus on work with the TV Access Project to work in partnership with broadcasters and streams to ensure access provision for Disabled talent.

Our progress is driven by a Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee, D&I advisor, Femi Otitoju and a network of peer groups.

STV’s peer groups

Access All Areas Network

The Access All Areas Network has a key goal to increase accessibility at STV, and of STV’s services. As a member of The TV Access Project (TAP) and through partnerships with Enable Scotland, Inclusion Scotland and The Digital Accessibility Centre, the Access all Areas Network is addressing practical issues identified as barriers to progress to effect lasting change for disabled people in all parts of our business, both on and off screen. STV, along with the other main UK broadcasters, has introduced an inclusion ‘passport’ which sees broadcasters encouraging staff to communicate their access and adjustment needs.

Gender Equality Network

The activities supported by STV’s Gender Equality Network, Balance, are aimed at supporting our target to achieve a 50:50 gender split in the top 25% of roles. Balance is focused on a number of initiatives to support this aim including: talent development programmes; increasing representation of women in senior STEM related roles in the Company; and, on-screen, increasing gender representation in our news and current affairs output.

Read our Gender Pay Report here.

The Family Network

The Family Network drives an action plan to support parents and carers as well as providing a peer network for colleagues who are balancing family and work responsibilities. Flex is focused on ensuring the views of those in caring roles are represented across STV, raises awareness of the challenges they may face and helps them access information and support. Through its work, Flex has overseen the introduction of a carer's policy for STV colleagues.

The LGBTQ+ Network

The LGBTQ+ Network works to champion LGBTQ+ inclusion at STV, in our programming and across the wider community. STV's Pride Network is focused on creating an inclusive culture and working environment for our people. Through its work, Pride has facilitated participation in local Pride marches, and overseen the introduction of a transitioning policy for STV colleagues.

The Black and Ethnically Diverse Network

The Black and Ethnically Diverse Network is driving our action plan to improve the representation of Black and Ethnically diverse people both on and off screen. STV has committed to increase the number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues at STV, improve on screen representation in the programmes STV makes for itself and others, and ring-fence £1m from the STV Growth Fund for advertising campaigns that champion diversity in Scotland.

Our initiatives