Glasgow-based independent STV Productions, the makers of hit BBC factual series Antiques Road Trip, has announced that filming on the show’s 21st and 22nd series has resumed, after the coronavirus lockdown suspended production for several months.
Filming originally began on 2 March, and when the UK government announced a national lockdown three weeks later, just seven of the 50 planned episodes of the new series had been completed.
However, along with fellow STV Productions series Celebrity Catchphrase, Antiques Road Trip is now back in production after a number of new protocols were implemented to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the programme’s contributors and crew.
Antiques Road Trip, which has been a ratings success for BBC One since its launch in 2010, usually wraps filming in September, but production on the current series will continue into November to make up for the lost lockdown months. As a result, filming on the tenth series of Celebrity Antiques Road Trip will be slightly delayed into early 2021.
Craig Hunter, Creative Director of Factual at STV Productions, said: “It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that COVID-19 has touched every aspect of TV production. Antiques Road Trip couldn't have been described as a ‘COVID-friendly format’ – so the team have spent countless hours over the last three months working out exactly how we can get the show back on the road in a safe and compliant way, and I’m pleased to say we’ve got there.
“We know that Road Trip’s loyal audience will be eagerly anticipating series 21, and the measures we’ve taken to ensure safety behind-the-scenes will do nothing to impact the warmth or fun of the show when it returns to BBC One shortly.”