Glasgow-based independent, STV Productions, has been co-commissioned by broadcasters Discovery-owned Really and STV to produce brand new series, Clear Out Cash In.
The newly created format follows Yorkshire auctioneer Angus Ashworth and his team as they clear out houses packed full of trinkets, treasure and junk - transforming former family homes to empty shells, ready for sale. 
The items of value go to auction, with profits going to the owner, and the rest are recycled or taken to the tip.  Angus may also uncover some heirlooms that the family can’t part with, whatever their value, and hear the heartfelt background stories along the way. 
STV Productions will produce 10 x 60” episodes for broadcast on Really and 8 x 30” episodes for STV. 
Stephen O’Donnell, Director of Programme Strategy and Marketing at STV, said: “We’re thrilled to have co-commissioned STV Productions to create this heart-warming series to suit our audience.  The team will follow stories with a Scottish angle for our episodes as a key part of our regional programme offering, with every episode celebrating those hidden gems in what is guaranteed to be a surprising and uplifting journey of discovery.” 
Craig Hunter, Director, Factual at STV Productions, said: “This is an exciting commission for us, with the production team unearthing stories and creating two distinct series for Really and STV.  We’ll be filming 18 episodes in total across the UK in a show that we know will resonate and entertain viewers of both channels.”

For further information, please contact:
Kirstin Stevenson at or call 0141 3003886
Katie Martin at or  0141 300 3109

Kate Keilty at or call 07717 787395