Iconic game show Catchphrase will start filming week commencing 6 July as STV Productions record 10 episodes of the programme. They will be broadcast on ITV and STV during autumn 2020.
Protocols have been implemented to ensure the safety of contributors and crew and make filming possible. These include online health declaration forms; physical changes to the set, galleries and make up rooms; the creation of working ‘bubble’ groups; staggered start times and changes to the catering service. Crew will maintain safe social distancing and contributors and crew will all have their temperatures checked on a daily basis throughout the filming period. Cleaning and sanitisation of studios and filming areas will happen on a daily basis and equipment will be assigned to individual crew members. There will not be an audience in the studio.
Host Stephen Mulhern said: "We were always due to start filming now so it's great that we are in a position that we can do so. It feels so good to be back in the studio and it's taken a huge amount of work from the crew and all at STV Productions who make the show and ITV who broadcast it to get us back up and running safely. We can't wait to start."

STV Productions' Creative Director, Entertainment, Gary Chippington said: "The wellbeing of our people and contributors is our priority and the production team have been working tirelessly to make sure we’re all working in a safe environment.  A number of measures have been put in place and social distancing will be adhered to – but be in no doubt, the fun and antics that viewers expect from each and every episode of Catchphrase will very much be central to the mix. We’re thrilled to be going back into studio.”

ITV's Head of Entertainment Commissioning Katie Rawcliffe said: "Catchphrase is the first of ITV's big entertainment shows to go back into the studio. All the teams have worked incredibly hard to get us back filming and the production team have protocols in place in line with Government guidelines to make sure that we are doing this in as safe a way as possible for the crew, contributors and everyone involved. We can't wait to get going and Stephen is the perfect host to kick off entertainment post lockdown.”

Catchphrase is made for ITV by STV Productions. It is executive produced by Gary Chippington and was commissioned for ITV by ITV's Head of Entertainment Commissioning Katie Rawcliffe and Entertainment Commissioner Gemma John-Lewis.