Here’s what we’re doing for viewers and communities.
Your STV schedule
We’ll continue to provide a core news service and entertaining programme schedule, whilst ensuring we protect the health and wellbeing of our staff, which is our priority at this time.
We know how important high quality, trusted news is. We’ll broadcast a single nightly programme, STV News at Six, reflecting updates from across the country, along with an episode of Scotland Tonight on Thursdays at 7.30pm, bringing insight and discussion to the current situation. New episodes of Coronation Street and Emmerdale will air on a reduced schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Whilst you’re at home, we’ll keep adding exciting new content to the STV Player to provide you with entertainment and respite when you need it most.
Free advertising for heroic charities and small businesses
We’ve committed £1m of free advertising via our new Local Lifeline campaign to support small local businesses and charities. An extension of our Growth Fund, adverts will be produced free of charge to appear on STV, STV Player and on, to celebrate local businesses and charities working tirelessly for their own organisations whilst helping the most vulnerable in our communities. Now, more than ever, they need the profile and support.
We’ve also doubled the STV Growth Fund to £20m to help small and medium sized businesses hit the ground running when we get through this.
You can watch the launch campaign for the central region here which celebrates Glasgow Taxis and Coia’s Cafe, Pillow Property Partners and Bernard Corrigan Fishmonger. The campaign for the north celebrates Isle of Harris Distillers and Essence of Harris, Tulloch Homes and Instant Neighbour.
The STV Children’s Appeal COVID-19 response
The STV Children’s Appeal is responding to the urgent needs of our communities. We’ve already granted emergency funding of over £1m across the Appeal and the Scottish Children’s Lottery to help Scotland’s most vulnerable at this time.
The Appeal has now launched a campaign in partnership with the Duke of Cambridge supported National Emergency Trust (NET) and will distribute funding to those who need it most, with every pound donated going directly to children and families in Scotland.
If you can help, please text FIVE or TEN to 70607 - your generosity at this difficult time is hugely appreciated.
You can watch the launch advert, featuring Lorraine Kelly, here.