The BBC has announced that hit Belfast-based drama Blue Lights, produced by Two Cities Television, will return for a second 6 x 60’ series. Co-created and written by Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson, co-created and co-produced by Louise Gallagher of Gallagher Films, and co-created and produced by Stephen Wright of Two Cities Television (part of the STV Studios family), with support from Northern Ireland Screen, Blue Lights launched on BBC One and BBC iPlayer last month to five-star reviews.
Among those set to reprise their roles in the second series are Siân Brooke, Martin McCann, Katherine Devlin, Nathan Braniff, Joanne Crawford, Andi Osho, and Hannah McClean.
Series one follows three new PSNI probationary recruits as they navigate their way through their first few months in a uniquely dangerous place to be a response police officer. Blue Lights is an authentic, gripping and darkly funny drama about ordinary people doing an extraordinary job.
Early figures for Blue Lights continue to climb with the first episode currently averaging 6.4 million. The series has grown its young audience week-on-week on BBC iPlayer and is the third most requested programme since release among all individuals and 16-34s.
Filming on series two begins this summer in Belfast and further casting will be announced in due course.
BBC Studios will be the international distributor of both series one and two. Two Cities is part of the STV Studios family of production labels.
Blockquote open We are thrilled by the audience response to the show. Belfast is a vibrant, dynamic and complex place and we have a wealth of stories yet to come from our characters. We can’t wait to bring these to the fans. Blockquote close
Stephen Wright Executive Producer, Blue Lights / Creative Director and Joint CEO, Two Cities TV
Blockquote open Blue Lights is a huge hit with viewers and critics alike and we’re thrilled the BBC has committed to a second series. Stephen, Michael and the whole Two Cities team are exceptionally talented, and we’re so proud to have them as part of STV Studios. Blockquote close
David Mortimer Managing Director, STV Studios
Blockquote open Blue Lights has been a breakout hit and so many of our viewers have taken the rookies to their hearts which is down to the fantastic cast and Declan and Adam’s vision. We can’t wait to have it back on BBC One and iPlayer for a second series. Blockquote close
Lindsay Salt Director of Drama, BBC